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Ofisi ya Direct Aid Society Tanzania ikiongozwa na Mkurugenzi wa Tanzania Ndugu Mohamed Orabi inapenda kuwapongeza Walimu, Wanafunzi pamoja na wafanyakazi wote katika Shule zote za Direct Aid Society kwa kuendelea kufanya vizuri katika Mtihani wa Darasa la Saba 2024.
Mkurugenzi pia anawasihi wazazi kuendelea kuziamini shule za Direct Aid Society na kuwapeleka wahitimu hao katika Shule za Taasisi yetu ili kuendeleza kufanya vizuri katika elimu zao za Sekondari.
DIRECT AID SOCIETY TANZANZIA | Main areas of operation

Direct Aid Society takes care of Children from environments of Hardship especially the Orphans by helping them in their Education as well as providing some of their basic needs.

Direct Aid schools are committed to offer the best education to all students, which will enable them to be responsible Citizens of the world, future leaders, and reach their goals in life. Direct Aid Society Tanzania Schools follow the National NECTA Curriculum.

Direct aid Society conducts medical programs for the poor & vulnerable children especially the orphans under our care. We offer high quality medical services all over Tanzania with the goal of improving overall healthcare in Tanzania and the individual children’s well-being.

Direct Aid Society Conducts seasonal programs such as Donating food staff to the poor, if-tar basket as well as helping those in need during calamities such as floods and during drought.

Direct Aid society performs awareness to different communities in the country, this includes public lectures, seminars as well as educational programs for the Muslim community.

Direct Aid Society has been and is still digging deep and medium water wells for the people of Tanzania and mostly in high populated areas such as in schools, hospitals, markets and so on.
The Strategic objectives of Direct Aid Society are;
1. Institutional Excellence
Achieving high and sustainable levels of performance that meet or exceed the expectations of all the stakeholders.
2. Direct Aid Team
Empowering our team members and developing their capabilities as well as promoting their affiliation and loyalty.
3. Social Impact
Developing the fieldwork to maximize the impact of charitable and development activities in the concerned areas.
4. Financial Sustainability
Achieving the excellence and creativity in developing the financial resources to improve the delivered services and increase the satisfaction of donors.