Relief and Seasonal

Other areas of operation of the Society include Social  |  Health


About Relief and Seasonal services

Direct Aid Society has been working hard to support Tanzanians especially in the difficult times. The Organization provides food relief packages to vulnerable people in poor communities in and around the Country especially during calamities.. The Society works with local leaders to identify the people most in need of assistance.

A group of committed  volunteers works with the leaders, where government support cannot easily get through to the needy sometimes in very remote parts of the Country.

Since it started working in the Country, Direct Aid Society has helped  over  50,000 or so vulnerable households with food packages. Beneficiaries included disabled people, women heads of household, widows, farmers and other households.

A number of local communities also receive meat and other amenities during Ramadhan and Eid Festivals to make sure as many people as possible can benefit from the Aid offered by the Organization.

Helping others is a Fundamental aspect of Islam, Muslim  need to maintain their relationship with other people.

In the Quran, Allah (S.W.T) says:

“Help one another in acts of piety and righteousness. And do not assist each other in acts of sinfulness and transgression. And be aware of Allah. Verily, Allah is severe in punishment”

(Quran 5:2).



Direct aid Centers have over the years developed training courses composed of different natures for the youths in the society to gain confidence and learn to take initiative and responsibility. This programs also values the spirit of service: the learners, in turn, provide services to the community while earning their living. this programs include tailoring, electrical installations and ICT courses.

Water (well)

Direct aid society has been and is still digging deep and medium water wells for the people in diiferent parts of the Country and mostly in high populated areas such as in schools, hospitals, markets and so on. these water wells are fully installed with water tanks and towers..

Food and Clothing

Direct aid Society is often assisting in food aid and sometimes clothes aid especially during calamities to vulnerable communities. such calamities include during floods or in case of major accidents such as the victims of the famous train accident along Dodoma route.

Provision of Capital

Direct aid Society has helped many poor to establish income earning activities such as establishment of Bakeries, families by providing livestock and farming investments as capital for poverty eradication e.t.c such aid is provided in rural villages where the beneficiaries have to be organized in development groups and proper training is provided alongside the investment.


Zakaat tul fitr

Direct aid has been distributing Zakatul fitr to the poor in different parts of the country. such aid ensures that the people who have just completed the fasting in the holy month of Ramadhan enjoy the eid celebrations.


Direct aid Society through the Ramadhan Basket program provides food to poor families in days of Ramadhan. this program has helped many poor families to conduct the fasting in the days of Ramadhan especially when the prices of food commodities has gone up in the recent years.

Adhahi (Slaughter)

Direct aid Society provides meat to the poor families in different parts of the country in the special eid of slaughter (the second eid of Muslims). this program makes many families to enjoy the eid festive without stress.

Disaster / Calamities

Direct aid is always at the front in assisting victims during disasters and calamities. among such calamities are during the flooding s at the coast region and also to victims of famous school fires.


200 Families

Helped each year with food during Ramadhan, Eid seosons

50 Groups

youth groups helped to estabilsh small scale farms and animal keeping especially goats and cows

200 Families

Families relieved the hustle of looking for clean and safe for cooking and drinking

200 Families

received assistance during different disasters and calamities